
Okamaya Castle

Okamaya Castle

Okamaya castle decorated with mt as “mt art project” for Okayama. This castle was called as ‘crow castle’ due to its unique black exterior. Now, it’s colorful with mt tape!

Okamaya Castle

Okamaya castle decorated with mt as “mt art project” for Okayama. This castle was called as ‘crow castle’ due to its unique black exterior. Now, it’s colorful with mt tape!

Translucent mt tape

Translucent mt tape

Did you know that mt masking tape is translucent? You can create stained glass artworks like this! This piece was done with mt tape on acrylic, but you can also...

Translucent mt tape

Did you know that mt masking tape is translucent? You can create stained glass artworks like this! This piece was done with mt tape on acrylic, but you can also...

MT CASA – Home & Living Workshop workshop

MT CASA – Home & Living Workshop workshop

Do you have blank spaces or walls at home you wish you could easily fill up with colours, without having to use smelly and messy paint? Do you have old...

MT CASA – Home & Living Workshop workshop

Do you have blank spaces or walls at home you wish you could easily fill up with colours, without having to use smelly and messy paint? Do you have old...

Washi ‘Painting’ II

Washi ‘Painting’ II

Washi ‘Painting’ II

MT EX KL Workshops

MT EX KL Workshops

MT EX KL WORKSHOPS “Creative Journaling and Gift Wrapping with MT Tapes Workshops” conducted by Ms Szetoo Weiwen, founder of Stickerrific. THEME: CREATIVE JOURNALING AND GIFT WRAPPING WITH MT TAPES!...

MT EX KL Workshops

MT EX KL WORKSHOPS “Creative Journaling and Gift Wrapping with MT Tapes Workshops” conducted by Ms Szetoo Weiwen, founder of Stickerrific. THEME: CREATIVE JOURNALING AND GIFT WRAPPING WITH MT TAPES!...

MT EX KL Brings the World of Washi Tapes to Kuala Lumpur!

MT EX KL Brings the World of Washi Tapes to Kua...

Colorful masking tape “mt” With its unique colours and patterns, distinctive texture, exceptional characteristics and simplicity of use, it has become extremely popular in Japan and around the ex...

MT EX KL Brings the World of Washi Tapes to Kua...

Colorful masking tape “mt” With its unique colours and patterns, distinctive texture, exceptional characteristics and simplicity of use, it has become extremely popular in Japan and around the ex...